The more I let my spiritual curiosity and passion be the guiding force of my life the more comfortable I am in my own skin, even as I constantly work to integrate the suffering and difficulty I inevitably have from simply being human.
My life’s path led me from my childhood home of east Tennessee, to the Southwest and West Coast, ultimately landing me near Boston, MA. Personally, I always gravitated to the natural world, wandering the woods and swamps as a child, testing myself in some of the bigger mountain ranges of the world and seeking nurturing from the Unknowable Source of All in remote wilderness.
Professionally, I have had successful careers in the biotechnology and health care industries for the past twenty years, in business development and business management where I have learned and proven that even in traditional business, by being committed to facing my own internal conflicts, life can’t help but unfold and grow in miraculous ways.
Along the way I have explored many spiritual and healing paths, including Kabbalah, eastern and earth-centered paths, and The Pathwork®, a voyage of discovery to the Real Self, grounded in deep personal inner work for the purpose of healing at the deepest levels. Twenty years ago my spiritual passions led me to Jason Shulman, A Society of Souls® and the work of Nondual Healing and Awakening. One way I fulfill my spiritual passions is to engage more deeply in this work by sharing what I have learned and integrated with others through teaching, spiritual leadership and individual healing. I have a healing practice in Wayland, MA and through virtual sessions.
I can be reached at